Roosevelt Road — Oxford

Monday 1 July
411S Bartholomew School08:12
411 Station Forecourt10:35
411 Station Forecourt12:35
411 Station Forecourt14:40
411S The Hand and Shears16:11
Tuesday 2 July
411S Bartholomew School08:10
411S Bartholomew School08:12
411 Station Forecourt10:35
411 Station Forecourt12:35
411 Station Forecourt14:40
411S The Hand and Shears16:11
Wednesday 3 July
411S Bartholomew School08:10

Bus services at this stop

411Eynsham Church - Hanborough Station
411SFreeland - Long Hanborough - Church Hanborough - Bartholomew School
All services are provided by First & Last Mile. All data is available in GTFS feed: great-britain