Kearsley - Routes

Location53.533, -2.383
Local time07:19:02
DST started31 Mar 2024 (Forward 1 hour)
DST ends27 Oct 2024 (Back 1 hour)



Rawson Street557
Redcar Road521 524 910 916 923 938
Redcar Road544
Redcar Road544
Redcar Road521 524 544 910 916 923 938
Redgate Way501 521
Redgate Way501 521
RHS BridgewaterX50
RHS BridgewaterX50
Ringley Meadows513 557 900 910 939 966
Roe Green20 909
Roe Green20 909
Roe Green20 909
Rutland Avenue66
Rutland Avenue66
Rydal Crescent993 994
Rydal Crescent993 994
Rydal Road544
Rydal Road544
Seddon Lane512
Seddon Lane512
Seddon Lane512
Seddon Lane512
Shap Drive29
Shap Drive29 993 994
Shap Drive29
Shaving Lane20
Shaving Lane20
Shaving Lane20
Shillingford Road501 938
Shillingford Road501 938
Shillingford Road501 X39
Shillingford Road501 X39
Smith Fold Lane20 38 X39
Smith Fold Lane20 38
Snow Hill Road511 544 910 916 922 934
South Avenue22 910 940
South Avenue22 910 940
Spa Crescent20 553 X39
Spa Crescent20 553
Spa Crescent20 553 X39
Springfield Gardens22 910 940
Springfield Road8 22 909 940 966
Springfield Road8 22 940 966
St Anne's Church Clifton8 22 909 940 966
St Anne's Church Clifton8 22 909 940 966
St Anne's Church Clifton8 22 909 940 966
St James Street939 940
St James Street521
St James' School938 939 940 941 942 943
St James' School939 940 942 943
St Kilda Avenue22 910 940
St Kilda Avenue22 910 940
St Pauls Road36 37 38 994
Stanley Road501 521
Stanley Road501 521
Starling Drive553
Starling Drive553
Starling Drive553
Starling Drive553
Starling Drive553
Starling Drive553
Station Road512 513 557 889 910 939 966
Station Road512 513 557 889 910 939 966
Station Road512 513 557 889 910 939 966
Stoneclough Road8 22 909 910 940 966
Stoneclough Road8 910 940 966
Sulby Street512 513 557 889 910 939 966
Sulby Street512 513 557 889 910 939 966
Swinton (Manchester)Northern
Swinton Church of St Peter21 22 745 909
Swinton Church of St Peter21 22 745 909
Swinton Church of St Peter29 36 37 38 66 X39
Swinton Church of St Peter29 36 37 38
Swinton Church of St Peter66
Swinton Church of St Peter29 36 37 38
Swinton Church of St Peter21 22 909
Swinton Church of St Peter745
Swinton Church of St Peter21 22 745 909
Swinton Church of St Peter66
Swinton Civic Centre29 36 37 38
Swinton Civic Centre36 37 38 X39
Swinton Civic Centre29 36 37 38 X39
Swinton Civic Centre29
Swinton Shopping Centre21 22 66 745 909
Swinton Shopping Centre21 22 66 745 909
Swinton Station21 22 66 745 909
Swinton Station21 22 66 745 909
Tamarin Close29 36 37 38 X39
Tamarin Close29 36 37 38
Teak Drive8 22 909 940 966
Teak Drive8 22 909 940 966
The Black Horse8 22 37 513 557 910
The Black Horse8 22 513 557 889 910 939 940
The Boundary Stone29 987 993 994
The Boundary Stone29 987
The Coppice35 126 132 799 X50
The Coppice35 126 132 799 X50
The Lodge35 126 132 799 X50
Townsend Road21 22 66 745 909
Current local time in Kearsley (Europe/London):2024-07-01 07:19:02