South Molton - Routes

Location51.017, -3.833
Local time03:50:00
DST started31 Mar 2024 (Forward 1 hour)
DST ends27 Oct 2024 (Back 1 hour)



Abbots Cross696
Abbots Cross696
Aller Cross155 873
Aller Cross155 873
Bray Bridge859
Bray Bridge859
Broad Street155 346 502 660 663 696 855 856 859 873
Church Cross658
Church Cross658
Churchill Crescent855
Churchill Crescent855
Combsland Cross696
Combsland Cross696
Community College155 663S
Community Primary School155 658
Community Primary School155 658
Cross658 873
Cross658 873
Exeter Gate155 663 663S 855
Exeter Gate663 663S 855
Farthing Lake Cross155
Filleigh Garage155
Garage346 663S
Garage346 663S
Glebeland Villas696
Glebeland Villas660 696
Grove Inn663
Hacche Lane155 873
Hacche Lane155 873
Hobby House Lane346 663S
Hobby House Lane346 663S
King Street155 346 502 660 663 696 855 856 859 873
Meadow Park696
Mill Inn660 696
Mill Inn660 696
Mill On the Mole155
Mill on the Mole660 696
Mill on the Mole155 660 696
Nadder Lane155
Nadder Lane155
Old Railway Station658 873
Old Railway Station658 873
Old Station696
Old Station696
Pathfield Industrial Estate155 856
Police Station346
Police Station155 346
Quince Honey Farm155 873
Quince Honey Farm155 873
Raleigh Close855
Raleigh Close855
Rugby Ground155 856
Sawmills Cross155
Sawmills Cross155
School658 873
School658 873
Southdown Cross346 663S
Southdown Cross346 663S
Spire Lake Close660 696
Spire Lake Close660 696
Square155 856
Stag's Head155 873
Stag's Head155 873
Stoats Close855
The Square658 859
Torridge Business Park155
Torridge Business Park155
Village Hall658
Village Hall658 873
Village Hall663 663S
Village Hall663 663S
Current local time in South Molton (Europe/London):2024-06-29 03:50:00