Thursby - Routes

Location54.843, -3.051
Local time07:56:13
DST started31 Mar 2024 (Forward 1 hour)
DST ends27 Oct 2024 (Back 1 hour)



Low Whinnow300 400 554 600
Low Whinnow300 400 554 600
Lowmill road end553 554 S91 S92 S93
Medical Centre88 554 600
Medical Centre88 554 600
Methodist Church75 553 S71
Methodist Church93
Methodist Church93
Methodist Church75 553 S71
Moorend300 400 554 600
Moorend Farm300 400 554 600
Nealhouse300 400 554 600 S93
Nelson Tomlinson School88
Nestle Factory553 554 S91 S92 S93
Nestle Factory553 554 S91 S92 S93
Newby Cross300 400 600
Orton Park300 400 600
Orton Road63 63A
Oxrigg FarmS93
Park Road88 300 400
Park Road88 300 400
Pirelli Factory75 553 554 S91 S92
Post Office93
Post Office93
Primrose Bank88
Primrose Bank88
Railton Gardens63 63A
Rashdall Road61 62
Red Dial600
Red Dial Farm600
Richard Rose Academy300 400 600
Richard Rose Academy300 400 600
Richardson Street62 69 75 553 554 S92
Richardson Street62 75 553 554 S92
Ridgemount (school bus only)IOD04
Rosehill Drive62
Rowan Lea93A
Royal Scot terminus61
Rydal Close88
Sandale88 554 600
Scholars Green88
School House88
School House88
Smithy Cottage93
South Bank Close88 600
St Giles Church39
St Michael's School553 554 S71
St Michaels School553 554 S71
Standing Stone88
Station Hill War Memorial39 400
Stonehouse Park300 400 554 600 S93
Syke Business Park600
Syke Farm600
The Blue Bell75 553 S71
The Blue Bell75 553 S71
The Bridge End Inn553 S71
The Chestnuts88 400
The LonningS71
The Paddocks300 400 554
The Royal Oak553
The Royal Oak553
The Royal OakS93
The Royal OakS93
The Ship Inn300 400 554 600 S93
Thompsons Corner300 400 554 600
Thompsons Corner300 400 554 600
Thornby road end300 400 554 600
Thornby road end39 300 400 554 600
Throstles Nest39 88 300 400 554 600
Top of Levens61
Town EndS93
Town EndS93
turn300 400 554 600 S93
Village Green300 400 554 600
Village Green93
Village Green93
Village Green93A
Village Green93A
Village Hall93
Village Hall93
Wansfell Avenue62
Wansfell Avenue62
War Memorial39 400
Westrigg Road end300 400 600
Westrigg Road end300 400 600
Westrigg Road shops61
Winscale Way62
Woodend Drive61 62
Yewdale Road63 63A
Current local time in Thursby (Europe/London):2024-07-01 07:56:13