Bus route N730 - Saarbrücken - Lyon - Marseille

A  bus service operated by  Flixbus-de. All data is available in GTFS feed: ulmer-eisenbahnfreunde
A  bus service operated by  Flixbus-de. All data is available in GTFS feed: ulmer-eisenbahnfreunde
This route is not in service today (1 July 2024).
Showing schedules for 19 June 2024 instead
List of stops

      Marseille (central bus station St Charles) ➞ HBF Saarlb, Saarbrücken

      Schedule is specified in local timezone. Times indicated with '+1' refer to the following day.

      HBF Saarlb, Saarbrücken ➞ Marseille (central bus station St Charles)

      Schedule is specified in local timezone. Times indicated with '+1' refer to the following day.
      Schedule is specified in local timezone. Times indicated with '+1' refer to the following day.
      Timetable data from eu.data.public-transport.earth, 12 June 2024

