Rail route IC770A

A  long distance trains service operated by  Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français. All data is available in GTFS feed: odp-swiss
A  long distance trains service operated by  Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français. All data is available in GTFS feed: odp-swiss
List of stops

      Briançon ➞ Paris-Austerlitz

      Schedule is specified in local timezone. Times indicated with '+1' refer to the following day.

      Paris-Austerlitz ➞ Briançon

      Schedule is specified in local timezone. Times indicated with '+1' refer to the following day.
      Schedule is specified in local timezone. Times indicated with '+1' refer to the following day.
      Timetable data from opentransportdata.swiss, 12 June 2024

      Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français

      0848 44 66 88