The most current global data on public transportation

Every day, we download, refine, and enrich global public transportation data to provide accurate, up-to-date schedules. Our platform caters to B2B clients and passengers, offering user-friendly formats and license information for each feed.
Experience seamless journey planning with official bus, train, and tram schedules at—your one-stop solution for navigating public transportation.

More than 3007 GTFSGTFS (General Transit Feed Specification), also known as GTFS static, is a common format for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information. GTFS "feeds" contain transit data published by public transit agencies and can be used by developers to write applications that consume that data. More about GTFSGTFSGTFS (General Transit Feed Specification), also known as GTFS static, is a common format for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information. GTFS feeds contain transit data published by public transit agencies and can be used by developers to write applications that consume that data. More about GTFS datasets with public transit schedules available in